First, I talked to the case worker (state) about medicaid for Wayne and I only to find out that it remains at $1804 per month deductible for EACH of us b/c according to the state's budget, that is what we qualify for based on our income. Well our income is a couple hundred less than $1804, but who cares, right? Anyway, then I asked her about the State Emergency Fund application I put in for a new furnace and she said that they only approve up to $1000 so we were denied since replacing the furnace costs more than $4k. So hopefully we won't run into any problems this winter. We're going to buy one of those small electric fireplace heaters just in case. At least we'll have heat if something happens to the furnace.
Also talked to the lawyer that filed our bankruptcy back in February of this year about the copies we needed and he said they could be emailed to me. We were lucky that when we got home, I had an email with all the copies. We need that for the Veterans Affairs office in hopes to get Wayne some assistance. We filled out a "hardship" form with them.
Then we headed out because we had to get medical records from the hospital and since we were out and about, decided to stop by the DR's office to pick up a statement for Wayne's work telling them that he is still unable to work. Got to the hospital and Wayne almost falls on his face from his wheelchair, going off the curb with it... I caught it just in time! The medical records didn't cost us anything so that was good. (We were expecting it to cost 25cents per sheet). The lady did tell us though next time it will cost and the lawyer will have to request them. This is for the lawyer about worker's comp. We still don't know if it is worth it yet to get a lawyer for that. We're going to make an appointment with the lawyer for a free consult. That's on my list. LOL
The DR's office didn't have the statement ready so I asked her to fax it to Wayne's work. We then got a phone call from the SS Disability case worker and he told Wayne that the status of his claim was mailed on the 21st. Well, today being the 27th, it seems we should have already received that, so I told Wayne to call the guy back and ask him WHERE he mailed it since the man wouldn't talk to me at all. The man told Wayne that it was mailed last week, to be patient, and he had another call, so hung up. We're wondering if he used a carrier pigeon to deliver that mail.
Then we head over to the old house (we moved from) to see if it was in the mail there... NOT.... and then back home to see if it was in our mail there (NOT) and then to Wayne's work to hand the secretary there the leave of absence forms for Sep and Oct (yes we were late with Sep). We have to fill them out every month.
THEN we came home. We were on the road since Noon till about 3pm (3 hours).
Isn't it ridiculous?
yeah it is rediculous. I don't understand why you can't get on a different program for medicaid. I have humana gold adn only pay a copay. with 30 amonth for the humana gold. i know of a friend that had that deductible his was 1700. thats awful. how do they think that people can afford that kind of money. I bet that maile wen tto the other housea nad is going to be returned to him before you get it. hope things gett better for you. huggs
I thought Humana Gold is for those on medicare... are you 65 or older? We won't be 65 for about 2 years. I need to ask my son if it came there or not. He's living at our old house. Anyway, I'm not happy with the SS guy.