Another day in my husband's and my life, and of course my kids and grandkids as well. It seems I have to do everything and my husband seems to think I'm superwoman or something! The physical therapist came today and Wayne walked with the walker and did a little more than usual. He's sleeping now. He gets very tired when he gets a lot of exercise.
I called a lawyer today and he said we need to get all of his medical records from the hospital, so we need to make a visit there. I called and they said it will cost $.25cents a sheet. I don't know how many sheets that will be. Anyway, guess we'll take our chances and order them, maybe even tomorrow. The lawyer is for worker's comp. My husband claims he turned his foot in a troth at work and thinks that is how he ended up in the hospital with surgery on his spine. Cauda Equina Syndrome is what he is diagnosed with. He is wheelchair bound now and unable to work. We are on a rollercoaster trying to get aid through the state, through Social Security Disability, through the Veterans Administration, and any other way possible. Right now he has no medical insurance. Oh yeah, forgot... we have medicaid, however, it has a deductible of $1804 month for him and again for me. Crazy. he has absolutely NO income now. I get social security and a small $250 retirement plus we get child support for the 2 grandsons we are raising, and the whole thing totals about $1678 month.
We are also going to talk to a lawyer about Social Security Disability... one thing at a time. or more than one. LOL Whatever we can fit in!
I'm just having a pity party all by myself :( I can't lean on my husband anymore. He just isn't available to. He tries though. We have a very strong love and it is holding us up!
At least tomorrow I'm going to get to go to a few yard sales which I haven't done all summer long and love to do it. My Sister-in-Law is coming with me. It's my 'alone' time for tomorrow morning. Yippee Mickey!!!! After that I need to take my husband to the hospital to order those records and find him something to wear for a wedding we are going to on Saturday. He can only wear jogging-type pants because he has a foley bag since he is incontinent in bladder and bowels.
If anyone out there is having similar experiences and can relate to my life, please do stop by and say hi. Or if not, if you want to just drop by and say hi and tell me how your day was, then I welcome that as well!!!! Always nice to make new friends!
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