Saturday, October 2, 2010

Are you on a limited income?

Lately I have been thinking about family members and others who are on a limited income.  Although I knew what it meant to be on a limited income, I really didn't understand the effects of that.  I just thought when you get older, and you no longer work so you are on a limited income that you simply adjust accordingly.  I never really considered what it is you have to go through to adjust.  Of course, the hope would be that you would be 'ready' for that. 

Now that Wayne and I are on a limited income and our income has been reduced upwards of $3,000 per month, I am finding it difficult to cope.  We have food stamps, Thank God, but there are so many other things to consider, like medical insurance being the No. 1 in my mind along with medical bills we owe. Christmas comes to mind and now wondering how we will be able to provide Christmas gifts to the grandkids.  

I know that God never closes a door without opening another.  Just the other day we found out Wayne will now get SS-disability so that door was opened. 

Having said that, we are still trying to adjust to the situation at hand with Wayne being disabled, my caring for him, and the closed doors.  I pray to God for patience in waiting for another door to open.

1 comment:

  1. Good things come to good people claire. sometimes you just have to take your turn, It is difficult to adjust to income loss. I know how hard it was for me when i went on disability. you jst take one day at a time. and good things come your way. as far as xmas see if there are any christmas funds or programs that have give aways. in ven buren where i lived we had one at xmas and it really helped for the kids. check social service and see, you may have to sign up thru them. with the one we had anyone that was on aide or food stamps was signed up. so check that out. HUggs
