Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our Afternoon Excursion (so funny)

Well, Wayne wanted to get OUT of the house today so we went for a drive ...had to pick up his stirrups (I also call them his feet) for his wheelchair from Shawn b/c he had our Malibu and they were in the trunk!  Then we called our SIL, Claudia, but she wasn't home apparently.  We drove by Wayne's sister's house but we didn't stop ... he can't get in anyone's house anyway unless there is a ramp.  Then I had to call the pediatrician b/c the boys have to have tests ordered by the psychiatrist, an EKG and blood tests to check on their liver.  These tests are necessary b/c of the meds they are taking for ADHD.  As it turns out, I have to call the hospital nearby to see if they do EKGs and blood tests and if so, I take the prescriptions there, have the tests done, and results faxed to both the pediatrician AND the psychiatrist.  IF not, then we go to the hospital in Wyandotte, a little further away.

Back to our excursion... after I called the DR, we then continued to get gas at the local Kroger gas station.  This is where the story turns funny.  So, I get out of the car, swipe my kroger card and credit card, then go to put the gas in the car!  Ooops... new car, don't know how to open the gas cap ... doesn't seem to have a way to open it... pressed at the top and bottom, nothing.  Then went to the manual to look for instructions.  The man in the next gas isle over heard me so he tried to help me find out how to open it.  He looks in the manual and finds something concerning fuel info but it never panned out b/c it didn't have instructions on how to open the gas cap.  Then the next car over from us on the other side gets involved and they try to help me.  The husband says "call onstar...they can tell you how" ...and I did.  Nope, that didn't work.  She said there was a button either on the door or by the drivers left side floor... no such button.  Back to square one.  While I was still looking in the manual, the man went over to the gas cap, pushed on the left side, and it popped open!  We all laughed and I felt pretty dumb!  :(  :) but it was funny!  LOL

After we stopped at McDs to pick up one of their fruit salads for lunch, we headed home and I just put dinner on, so we are having bbq chicken and rice, maybe some veggies to go with that.  I'm thinking of putting in a can of peas with the rice!  

I didn't get a thing done today but Wayne enjoyed the ride out...  I know he wanted to do something else but there just wasn't enough time.  As it was, we didn't get home till about 2:30pm.

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