Saturday, May 28, 2011

Its Saturday and not a sleep-in day...unfortunately

Good Morning!

It's Saturday morning, the kids aren't here, just Wayne and I and do you think I can sleep in?  Of course not.  Wayne was up and around this morning about 5am and being the light sleeper I am, I heard him.  Also being one that has problems getting to sleep, I knew once awake I would stay awake so here I am!

Yesterday we went for Wayne's MRI on his brain.  We should hear something on our next appointment with the neurologist.  He said that they told him to "think" about the answers to questions they ask while the MRI was taking place, and he said they asked questions like "what did you do last night?", questions about your family, etc.  I'll have to look up what it all means when they are checking brain activity during those questions.

It is cold in the house.  This weather has been horrible but we are blessed here in Metro Detroit, at least where we live in Flat Rock.  Others have been flooded out.  But even with that, we are more fortunate in this area than in the South and West of us.  Praying we continue to be fortunate.

Went to church last night for the 4th chapter in The Story, the condensed version in chapter form of the Bible.  Wayne and I didn't get a chance to read it with our busy week.   BTW, this church is a non-denominational church but is very much like a Baptist church.  We both enjoy the sermons and the pastor has a way with talking to the people of the church, makes you feel welcome, gives you message from God and it is easy to understand.  I also have gotten moved many times by his sermons.  The church expects you to contribute by volunteering and I do bring in a treat once a month (on the list) and also once a month help with the communion distribution (actually do the clean-up afterwards).  I figured that was the least I could do but with the home-care of Wayne, I didn't feel I could do more.

We are invited to Wayne's brother's Memorial Day Cookout on Monday so we plan on going there.  However, since he has to be cath'd every 2-3 hours, I am going to ask Warren if we can use the garage as a privacy area to do that.  I was thinking about it last night and wondered how we would do that outside since he can't get into anyone's home unless there is a ramp and remembered there is a garage there.  It probably has a light also.  Hoping the rain holds out and we have a nice day.

Still haven't gotten my flower bed set up and Shawn is suppose to come over and help me do that. I bought a Miss Kim Lilac Bush yesterday for $25 at a local nursery and am anxious to get that planted also.  It will only grow to about 5'x5' and just right for our small yard area in this mobile home community.  Plus Shawn is also suppose to come over to measure the kitchen so we can figure out what we need to put there for base cabinets and he promised to do the work for me... he needs to replace all the base cabinets and replace the floor board (plywood) due to the leak we had and also the wall behind the base cabinets.  It will be a difficult job and costly for the supplies.  Hoping I can manage the cost of the materials needed.  I told Shawn if he did this he didn't have to pay me back a loan I gave him.  


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